For a full CV, click here.
2021-ongoing. Program coordinator, TKELT (electrical engineering) program/Division for Language and Communication. Chalmers University of Technology.
2021-ongoing. Program coordinator, TIDAL (data engineering) program/Division for Language and Communication. Chalmers University of Technology.
2020-ongoing. Department of Communication and Learning in Science representative, Computer Science & Electrical Engineering joint program council.
2019-20. Facilitator, Two2Tango (online pedagogical training for English medium instructors within a consortium of European universities). Administered through Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (Royal Institute of Technology). Stockholm, Sweden.
2011-15. Associate director, Lowcountry Writing Project. Charleston, South Carolina.
2014. Member, Math/English Task Force (to review South Carolina state K-12 math and English curricula standards). South Carolina Department of Education.
2014-15. Director, MA in Teaching program, English Department, The Citadel.
2014-15. Member, Professional Education Board. The Citadel.
2013‑15. Director, Fine Arts internship program. The Citadel.
2013‑15. Academic advisor, junior class (third-year) English majors. The Citadel.
2013, 2012. Tutor training workshop conductor, Academic Support Center. The Citadel.
2011‑15. Director, English department internship program. The Citadel.
2012. Member, ad-hoc adjunct instructor evaluation committee. The Citadel.
2003‑05, 2008. Program coordinator, Writing Program. University of Southern California.
2001-02. Course coordinator, Writing Program. University of Southern California.
2022-ongoing. Colby College. Waterville, Maine. Joint appointment: Center for Teaching and Learning / Program for Academic Success and Transformative Learning.
2023-ongoing. Schmalz Family Associate Director of Multimodal Communication Programming.
2022-23. Postdoctoral Fellow in Effective Public Speaking and Communication Skills.
2021-22. Lund University. Department of Educational Sciences. Lund, Sweden.
2021-2022. Affiliated faculty member.
2016-22. Chalmers University of Technology. Department of Communication and Learning in Science, Division for Language and Communication. Gothenburg, Sweden.
2019-22. Senior Lecturer in Language and Literature.
2016-19. Lecturer.
2009-16. The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina. School of Humanities and Social Sciences, English Department. Charleston, South Carolina.
2015-16. Associate Professor.
2009-15. Assistant Professor.
2021-ongoing. Program coordinator, TKELT (electrical engineering) program/Division for Language and Communication. Chalmers University of Technology.
2021-ongoing. Program coordinator, TIDAL (data engineering) program/Division for Language and Communication. Chalmers University of Technology.
2020-ongoing. Department of Communication and Learning in Science representative, Computer Science & Electrical Engineering joint program council.
2019-20. Facilitator, Two2Tango (online pedagogical training for English medium instructors within a consortium of European universities). Administered through Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (Royal Institute of Technology). Stockholm, Sweden.
2011-15. Associate director, Lowcountry Writing Project. Charleston, South Carolina.
2014. Member, Math/English Task Force (to review South Carolina state K-12 math and English curricula standards). South Carolina Department of Education.
2014-15. Director, MA in Teaching program, English Department, The Citadel.
2014-15. Member, Professional Education Board. The Citadel.
2013‑15. Director, Fine Arts internship program. The Citadel.
2013‑15. Academic advisor, junior class (third-year) English majors. The Citadel.
2013, 2012. Tutor training workshop conductor, Academic Support Center. The Citadel.
2011‑15. Director, English department internship program. The Citadel.
2012. Member, ad-hoc adjunct instructor evaluation committee. The Citadel.
2003‑05, 2008. Program coordinator, Writing Program. University of Southern California.
2001-02. Course coordinator, Writing Program. University of Southern California.
Ph.D. in English literature. University of Southern California, 2009.
MA in English literature. University of Southern California, 2001.
MA in English language and literature. University of North Texas, 1999.
Teaching certificate. Secondary level English (grades 6-12). University of North Texas, 1995.
BA in English language and literature. University of North Texas, minor in art history, 1993.
2021-ongoing. Program coordinator, TKELT (electrical engineering) program/Division for Language and Communication. Chalmers University of Technology.
2021-ongoing. Program coordinator, TIDAL (data engineering) program/Division for Language and Communication. Chalmers University of Technology.
2020-ongoing. Department of Communication and Learning in Science representative, Computer Science & Electrical Engineering joint program council.
2019-20. Facilitator, Two2Tango (online pedagogical training for English medium instructors within a consortium of European universities). Administered through Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (Royal Institute of Technology). Stockholm, Sweden.
2011-15. Associate director, Lowcountry Writing Project. Charleston, South Carolina.
2014. Member, Math/English Task Force (to review South Carolina state K-12 math and English curricula standards). South Carolina Department of Education.
2014-15. Director, MA in Teaching program, English Department, The Citadel.
2014-15. Member, Professional Education Board. The Citadel.
2013‑15. Director, Fine Arts internship program. The Citadel.
2013‑15. Academic advisor, junior class (third-year) English majors. The Citadel.
2013, 2012. Tutor training workshop conductor, Academic Support Center. The Citadel.
2011‑15. Director, English department internship program. The Citadel.
2012. Member, ad-hoc adjunct instructor evaluation committee. The Citadel.
2003‑05, 2008. Program coordinator, Writing Program. University of Southern California.
2001-02. Course coordinator, Writing Program. University of Southern California.
2023. “‘A pattern of clothes:’ Fairy Tales, Originality, and Dress in Dodie Smith’s I Capture the Castle." Children’s Literature in Education. DOI: 10.1007/s10583-023-09540-0.
2023. “On the Margins of Harry’s World: Paratext and The Tales of Beedle the Bard.” Children’s Literature, 51. 100-119. DOI: 10.1353/chl.2023.a898400.
2021. “The Fairy Race: Artemis Fowl and Hierarchies of Race and Gender.” Race in Young Adult Speculative Fiction. Eds. Meghan Gilbert-Hickey and Miranda Green-Barteet. Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi, 35-53. ISBN-13: 978-1496833822.
2015. “The Metamorphosis of Katniss Everdeen: The Hunger Games, Myth, and Femininity.” Children’s Literature Association Quarterly 40.2 (Summer): 161-178. doi:10.1353/ chq.2015.0020.
2016. Review of Webb, Caroline. Fantasy and the Real World in British Children's Literature: The Power of Story (Routledge). For Studies in the Novel. 48.1 (Spring): 141-2. doi:10.1353/sdn.2016.0009.
2014. Review of Barchas, Janine. Matters of Fact in Jane Austen: History, Location, and Celebrity (Johns Hopkins UP). For Studies in the Novel. 46.1 (Spring): 127-28. doi:10.1353/sdn.2014.0031.
2008. Review of Staves, Susan. A Literary History of Women’s Writing in Britain, 1660-1789 (Cambridge UP). For Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal. 37.3: 320-2. doi: 10.1080/00497870801917366.
2021. Interviewer for panel on Maja Lunde’s novel Blå/Klimakvartetten #2 (The End of the Ocean/Climate Quartet #2). Panelists: Maja Lunde, Andreas Lindhe, Emilia Sandolf. Act Sustainable’s annual Sustainability Week, a joint event between the University of Gothenburg and Chalmers Technical University. Gothenburg, Sweden.
2020. “Dress as Fairy Gold: Dress, Genre, and the Danger of Fairy Tale Tropes in Dodie Smith’s I Capture the Castle.” Young Adult Studies Association first biennial conference. Online.
2020. Roundtable speaker, “Fashion, Femininity, and Fairy Tales.” Young Adult Studies Association first biennial conference. Online.
2005-ongoing. Manuscript reviews: The ALAN Review, Children’s Literature Association Quarterly, Lifewriting Annual, The Lion and the Unicorn.
Presenting Why Everyone Should(n't?) Read Young Adult Fiction (JP197Ej), Colby College.
Emerging Technology Ethics Through Fiction (TRA100 & TRA105), Chalmers University of Technology.
AI Ethics Through Fiction (TRA100 & TRA105), Chalmers University of Technology.
Young Adult Literature (ENGL 401). Directed baccalaureate study, The Citadel.
Eighteenth-Century Women in Literature (ENGL 699), The Citadel.
Children’s Books (ENGL 551), The Citadel.
Eighteenth-Century British Novels (ENGL 525), The Citadel.
Graphic Novels: Art as Literature (ENGL 375; cross-listed as Fine Arts course), The Citadel.
Major British Writers II (ENGL 202), The Citadel.
Major British Writers I (ENGL 201), The Citadel.
Children’s Literature and Children in Literature; honors seminar (CORE 112), University of Southern California.
2023. "Why We Need Applied Humanities." Inside Higher Ed (April 5).
2021. “Optimistic Fiction as a Tool for Ethical Reflection in STEM.” Journal of Academic Ethics 19.3 (March-September): 425-439.
2018. “Literature for Specific Purposes: A Literary Approach to Teaching Ethics in Science and Technology.” Configurations 26 (Summer): 337-343.
2013. “Inviting Twenty-First-Century Students to the Eighteenth-Century Party.” ABO: Interactive Journal for Women in the Arts, 1640-1830 3.1 (April).
2012. “In Defense of Graphic Novels.” English Journal 102.2 (November): 57-63.
2024. Workshop co-presenter with Carol Hurney. “Doing Your LAPS: Developing LA Plus Sessions to Support the Study Cycle.” International Learning Assistant Conference. Boulder, CO.
2023. Poster presentation, with Sasha Alcott. “A ‘Nuts and Bolts’ Approach: Setting Expectations for Learning Assistant Partnership Meetings.” International Learning Assistant Conference. Boulder, Colorado.
2021. “Fiction in STEM: The Case Study of ‘AI Ethics Through Fiction.’” American Comparative Literature Association. Online.
2021. “AI Ethics Through Fiction.” Dealing with the Complexities of Teaching Ethics to Future Computer Science Professionals. ETHICS 4 EU Transnational meeting. Online.
2020. Co-presented with Emma Frisk. “One Book, One Chalmers: Extending Classroom Conversations.” Chalmers KUL (konferens om undervisning och lärande/Conference on Teaching and Learning). Gothenburg, Sweden.
2019. Submission reviewer, European Association of Teaching Academic Writing. Chalmers University of Technology. Gothenburg, Sweden.
2018. “Literature-Generated Empathy to Teach 'Green' Engineering Ethics.” Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts, Europe. Copenhagen, Denmark. 2018.
2023. Verhulst, Stefaan. The Living Library. New York University's Tandon School of Engineering (April 25).
2023. Aspen Institute. “Five Best Ideas of the Day” (April 24).
2022. Wood, Peggy Sue. “Recommended Reads for Using Comics in the Classroom.” The Anime Review (April 10).
2020. “Are Graphic Novels – Novels?” “It’s Lit” web series. Storied YouTube channel, PBS.
2019. Droge, Abigail. “Review: Droge on Hansen.” Journal of Literature and Science 12.1: 77-79.
2024. Facilitator, faculty community of practice on Kelly A. Hogan and Viji Sathy’s Inclusive Teaching: Strategies for Promoting Equity in the College Classroom (West Virginia UP, 2022). Colby College; Waterville, ME.
2024-ongoing. Co-convener, Course (re)Design Institutes. Colby College.
2022, 2023. Assistant, Course (re)Design Institute. Colby College Center for Teaching and Learning.
2022. Assistant, Course (re)Design Institute retreat. Allen Island, ME. Colby College Center for Teaching and Learning.
2024. Manuscript reviewer: Public Humanities.
2023-ongoing. Co-facilitator, mid-career faculty “Your Next Big Thing” fellowship community of practice. Colby College; Waterville, ME.
2023-2024. Co-facilitator, Mid-career faculty “Your Next Big Thing” fellowship retreat. Center for Teaching and Learning. Allen Island. Colby College; Waterville, ME.
2023-ongoing. Member, Faculty Development Collective. Colby College; Waterville, ME.
2023-ongoing. Co-host, annual Faculty Support Open House. Colby College; Waterville, ME.
Planning committee member, 2024.
2023. Manuscript reviewer: Journal of Academic Ethics.
2022-ongoing. Director, Schmaltz Family Effective Communication Initiative. Colby College.
2022-ongoing. Consultant, Mid-Semester Course Analysis program. Colby College Center for Teaching and Learning.